• we

Advanced gynecological examination model


① Addition of diseased uterus to the original F3 model
Internal structure component parts:
Normal and abnormal cervix models
-Normal cervix
-Normal cervix with intrauterine device placement and removal
-Torn cervix
-Chronic cervicitis
-Acute cervicitis
-Inflammatory cervical disease Naboth cysts
-Trichomonas cervicitis
-Cervical condyloma acuminatum
-Cervical leukoplakia
-Cervical polyps
-Cervical adenocarcinoma
Normal and abnormal uterus and adnexa models
-IUD placement and removal Normal uterus and adnexa (anterior uterine opacity)
-Normal uterus and adnexa
-Uterus with pronounced anterior tilt, anterior flexion
-Uterus with pronounced retroversion and retroflexion
-Uterine fibroids
Uterus with right tubo-ovarian cysts
-Uterus with right tubal hydrosalpinx.
-Uterus with right tubal tuberculosis
-Uterus with right salpingitis
-Placement and removal of intrauterine device (UD) with IUD guiding fork.
Pregnant uterus (five-month-old fetus)
-Ectopic pregnancy (tubal pelvic pregnancy)
-Obstruction of the fallopian tubes
Product Packaging:47cm*46cm26cm 7kgs

Post time: Dec-25-2024