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Electronic standardized patient model for comprehensive puncture training

Electronic standardized patient model for comprehensive puncture training

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Functional features:
1. The model is supine, shoulder and pillow overextended, head turned to the left, soft texture, real touch, and realistic appearance.
2. Accurate anatomical location: clavicle, acromial end of clavicle, clavsternal end, clavicular head of sternocleidomastoid muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle pectoral bone, ribs, intercostal space, suprasternal fossa,
The midclavicular line, anterior axillary line, midaxillary line, posterior axillary line, anterior superior iliac spine, iliac ridge, umbilicus, inguinal ligament can be clearly perceived.
3. In the puncture of liver abscess, the tender point of liver area can be found, and the language of breath holding training can be suggested, and the puncture can follow the rhythm of breath holding.
4. Abdominal puncture is performed in the right or left lying position with abdominal mobility dullness percussion training.
5. Semi-decubitus position (simulating severe patients), feasible thoracentesis.
6. Internal jugular vein puncture is feasible for carotid artery pulsation.
7. Intracardiac injection.
8. Iliac bone marrow puncture.
9. Feasible preoperative aseptic operation training.
10. Touch the femoral artery pulse, line the femoral vein
The puncture.
11. Electronic monitoring: When performing chest and liver puncture,
The puncture needle should hang along the upper edge of the lower rib
Direct puncture, puncture error voice prompt.

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